
This Privacy Policy is based on the Australian Privacy Principles (“APPs”) for the use and handling of Personal Information according to the Australian Privacy Act 1988 (as amended). In this Policy, “Personal Information” means information that can identify you.

We will only use and/or disclose your Personal Information to third parties in circumstances that are:

(a) set out in this Privacy Policy;

(b) clearly explained at the time the information is collected from you; or

(c) otherwise permitted under the APPs.

This Privacy Policy describes-

  • the type of information that Enfinity may collect from you
  • how it will be protected and how we may use that information
  • whether we are likely to disclose such information to overseas recipients
  • how you may access and correct that information if necessary; and
  • how you may complain to us about a breach of the APPs.


1. Collecting Personal Information

We may collect information about you from your use of our Website (“Site”), or where you otherwise provide us with information, such as when you purchase a product or participate in one of our promotions, competitions, or surveys. We will not collect any Personal Information about an individual without their consent. The only Personal Information we may collect is what you choose to tell us about yourself. We may also collect general information about your demographics, income, spending habits and potential purchases.

When dealing with us, you will have the option of not identifying yourself or of using a pseudonym, unless it is impractical for us to deal with you in this way in relation to a matter.

We may also collect data from your use of the Site, such as the date and time you access the site, the type of browser you use and the web site from which you connected to the site. Our Website collects this data by depositing “cookies” in your computer. This process does not collect any information, which personally identifies you and will not have any effect on your computer system. We may analyse and aggregate this data for certain trends and statistics, such as which parts of the Site users are visiting and how long they spend there. In appropriate cases, we may share such aggregated information with our App developers to enhance the services we provide to our customers.

We do not wish to obtain Personal Information from minors (being under the age of 18 years) who may access and use our Site without parental or guardian supervision. Therefore, we ask minors to obtain the consent of their parent or guardian before providing us with any Personal Information.

If we receive Personal Information that we did not request from you, and if we decide that such information is not reasonably necessary for or directly related to our business activities, we will destroy or de-identify that information as soon as practical and if it is lawful to do so.

As soon as practicable after we collect Personal Information from you, we will notify you of the following matters:

  • Our identity and contact details;
  • The purposes for which we collect that information;
  • That under our privacy policy you can access and seek to correct that information
  • How you can make a complaint under our privacy policy and how we will respond; and
  • If we are likely to disclose Personal Information to overseas recipients and if so, the countries in which they are likely to be located.


2. Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

We may give your address details to third parties (such as couriers, Australia Post or promotions fulfillment houses), to allow them to deliver a Product that you ordered from us or a prize or reward pursuant to one of our promotions or competitions.

We may use this information for research or to improve Enfinity’s products and services. We may also use this information for reasonable business purposes, for example to provide you with marketing and promotional material.

We will not use or disclose Personal Information for direct marketing purposes, unless:

You would reasonably expect us to use or disclose such information for that purpose; and

We provided a simple method by which you can request not to receive direct marketing communications from us and you have not made such a request.

If you give us information when you submit an enquiry or complaint, we will use that information first to respond to your enquiry or complaint and may also use it for our internal corporate purposes, such as monitoring and improving customer service aspects of our Site.

Except as stated above, we will not disclose your Personal Information to any third party, unless required to do so by law or with your prior consent.


3. Review and Removal of Personal Information

Enfinity will respect your right to request access to Personal Information we have collected about you and to make any updates or corrections you deem appropriate. You may also request us in writing to delete your Personal Information, and all reasonable steps to delete or de-identify your information will then be made, except where it may be required to be retained for legal reasons.

You may amend the information we hold about you on our database by contacting the Enfinity Privacy Officer by sending a request addressed to the ‘Privacy Officer, Marketing Department, Enfinity Pty Limited, Unit 206, 27 Mars Rd, Lane Cove NSW 2066.’


4. Information Security

We will take all reasonable steps to store your information securely and take appropriate steps to protect it from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification and/or unauthorised disclosure. We will take reasonable steps to destroy or de-identify Personal Information if it is no longer needed for any purpose.


5. More on Privacy

You can obtain further information about privacy in Australia and the protection of your Personal Information on the Australian Federal Privacy Commissioner’s website at


6. Protecting Data captured on a Enfinity Security, Surveillance or Monitor

If you use any Enfinity products, in conjunction with its associated Enfinity Apps, that is capable of being accessed and operated via the Internet, you must remember that any device on which you operate the App could be vulnerable to being interfered with or manipulated and that data and images captured by your Enfinity Product could be corrupted, lost or disclosed to unauthorised persons.

Enfinity therefore advises you to take all available steps to secure and protect your device by selecting a suitable unique and detailed password, incorporating a combination of upper- and lower-case characters, to protect the security of your device. Enfinity also recommends that you change that password at regular intervals.

Enfinity cannot accept responsibility for any corruption, loss or unauthorised disclosure of data or images that may occur as a result of any interference with or manipulation of your device.


7. Compliance with Privacy Laws

When using any Enfinity Security, Surveillance or Baby Monitor Product, Enfinity reminds you that you must obey all national and state laws that protect the

confidentiality and privacy of other people and that a breach of those laws, by (for example) disclosing video or images of a person to a third party without consent, may be an offence that could attract heavy penalties.